
Rotary dismembator DRS is intended for crushing of rubber, wood waste and other materials. The acceptable fraction of processed raw materials can be 1-5 sm, Dismembrator crushes it in a crumb of 1-2 mm. DRS it is very effective for the rubber crumb dispersing received after crushing of autotyres or other dimensional GMRG in Shredder Sh1R or Milling utilizer UFSh.

The grinder-pastepreparer KIP is the essentially new kind of the equipment used in emulsions and suspensions production of various technical appointments. It is also a fine homogenizer. Work of KIP is based on a cavitational principle. The cavitation phenomena are known in hydrodynamics as the phenomena destroying designs of hydrocars, courts, and pipelines. The cavitation can arise in a liquid at turbulent streams and also at influence of ultrasound on a liquid. Skillful management of a cavitation gives the chance to apply these machines in technological processes.

Technological process, unlike standard extraction technologies, allows to take vegetable oil from raw materials with smaller expenses. The essence of technology consists in deep processing of raw materials and its full use. All oil containing in seeds is almost taken. The cavitational dispersant and electrolysis installation on oil branch are used for achievement of this result.

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